Song Upon the Wind

Seeker/Keeper mix, 26, lesbian, she/they

Nana's Mom came from a keeper of the moon tribe and her Dad came from a seeker of the sun tribe. To further learn about the world they both left their respective tribes and met in Limsa Lominsa. They trained in arcane magic and eventually hit it off. They first had Nana's sister and 4 years later had Nana.

Her parents never taught their daughters how to use magic. They felt it would be too advanced and that the girls wouldn't have use for it. Nana and her sister were instead taught how to hunt with bow and arrows. This was the closest to tribe learning the two miqo'te girls got. Since their parents left their tribes they wanted to live a life unlike those of miqo'te tribes hence Nana's name.

After a couple of years the family moved out to the shroud for a quieter life. Though they would still make weekend trips to Limsa as most of them couldn't bear Gridanian cuisine for long.

During the calamity Nana's parents were called away to help in Limsa. Nana and her sister made attempts to do what they could with their hunting skills to fend off enemies at home. Soon the sisters would receive the news that their parents had fallen in battle. The sisters were devastated. Nana took it especially hard as she felt powerless. If she was such a skilled hunter why couldn't she do things like protect her family?

After taking a few days to grieve and marking a grave for their parents the sisters set off to get stronger. Nana enlisted in the archers guild while her sister went back to limsa to learn more of arcane magic.

They both made quite a name for themselves in the coming years but it would be Nana and Nana alone who received the gift of the echo. This is where her story as the warrior of light began

Nana is:
affectionate, easy going, sisterly, protective
-She will call you by whatever name you give her to call you. She's usually not one for nicknames unless she grows very close and a nickname is more of a term of endearment. Nana never wants to be disrespectful which is why she's not one for nicknames.

-Nana also has autism. She prefers to be told thing exactly as they are. She has no tolerance for beating around the bush.
Nana is married in both WoL and non WoL timelines HOWEVER is multi-ship and always down for a good rp.

-While she is generally optimistic she can easily fall depressed if something happens. She puts on a brave face because she wants to be the strong one and doesn't want to bother people much

The Beginning

Nana's journey closely follows that of the warrior of light. Her and her sister still kept in contact even as Nana's life picked up.

After the battle with Titan Nana confessed to Y'shtola who shared her feelings. They tried to keep it on the down low and took it slow since they both were in this dangerous line of work. It was pretty obvious still but Nana tried to be respectful of not being overbearing with PDA.

As her journey continued she felt...weird being called the warrior of light. Nana was proud of her accomplishments and knew it was no small feet and somehow it felt wrong. Eventually she took it into stride.

A lot of ARR was Nana discovering things about her new life. It was such a change from her normal life.

She had an exciting time at the crystal tower and was proud of herself for making real friends outside of the scions like G'raha. It hit her hard to watch her new friends go but whether it was denial or something else Nana felt like she would see her friend again.


Nana preoccupied herself with finding the Scions to try and distract herself. She once more cursed herself for not being strong enough to protect the ones she loved. Even if the people of Ishgard didn't want her there she would still try very hard to impress them and earn her keep. No matter where Nana goes she wants to prove she's worth it.

She ended up pushing herself to her limits in Ishgard in part to keep her mind off of things. Some might joke and say that she had to be thawed out every night. Haucherfant would tell her to take it easy and Aymeric would tell her to let him handle somethings. This would become a reoccurring thing to happen to Nana i the future.

When Nana met Ysale she was surprised to find yet another person with the Echo. Some might speak ill of Ysale but Nana felt like she was someone to respect. If not much was known about the Echo wouldn't it be smart to discuss things with another person possessing this rare gift?

The journey made Nana think back about the past and it allowed her time to reflect on how her childhood made her who she was today. She wrote a heartfelt letter later to her sister.

When Haucherfant passed Nana knew for sure that this time there was no chance to see him again. With the scions and with G'raha she hadn't cradled a cold hand in her own. She cursed herself once more to not be powerful enough to save people.

Was this what being a Warrior of Light was supposed to be? Continuously not being able to protect those you love despite growing stronger? Would you ever be able to help those you love? These were her thoughts.


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